Q - I'm a complete novice; is it possible for me to join the class?
A - Yes, our classes cater to all skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned black belt or someone who's never set foot in a dojo, you're more than welcome at our club.
Q - Am I too unfit to train?
A - No, training at Budokan Ju-Jitsu Club will assist you in addressing any weight or fitness concerns.
It offers a fun way to exercise, which is a refreshing change from the monotony of treadmills and bench presses. Plus, guidance is available to help you navigate any challenges you encounter.
Q - Is it necessary to reserve my spot in the class in advance?
A - No, the club is open to everyone; simply arrive 10 minutes before the class starts.
Q - What should I wear for my first lesson?
A - Shorts and a T-shirt will be fine.
Q - When can I begin?
A - Immediately! Contact us or drop by the dojo to speak with the coaches, observe a training session, or dive right in. We cannot emphasize enough that our dojo is inclusive, and we're always delighted to welcome new members to our community.